Activist L.I Federal declares His interest to Run for National Sec-Gen of NANS 2022 convention ~ FUDMA ticket.

DECLARATION MESSAGE TO CONTEST FOR NATIONAL SECRETARY GENERAL OF NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA STUDENT'S (NANS) 2022 CONVENTION. 29th June, 2022 Lawal Isah Federal Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, I Activist Lawal Isah Federal, a 300level Student of Federal University Dutsin-ma, Department of Agronomy Faculty of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology. After series of scrutiny and serving Nigeria Student's through clubs and Associations, my Evaluation assess my Capacity can run for this Job, that's why I stand here before you to Declare myself and my interest to contest for National Secretary General of National Association of Nigeria Student's (NANS) ahead of 2022 Convention under the Ticket bearing Varsity FUDMA. I'll insha Allah deliver as expected when I opportune to be voted into office being BACK TO BASIC will be our Agenda's guiding principles and the Constitution of NANS will be our administration guiding principles. I Lawal alone...