Endeavor to make Mal. Dikko Radda proud pls ~ Dan-Lawan Katsina congratulates newly executive Director SEPA

DAN-LAWAN KATSINA CONGRATULATES EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF SEPA, URGES HIM TO MAKE DIFFERENCE AS HE RESUMES OFFICE TODAY. 30th Jun, 2023 Lawal Isah Federal Lawalisah95@gmail.com Sequence to the publication dated on 26th of June 2023 by KTSG which resulted Hon. Muhammad Kabir Usman (Amoga) as Executive Director of Katsina State Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA), today Friday which is equally 30th of June in the year 2023, Hon. Kabir Amoga fully resumes to office as he took the mantle of leadership of the Authority today. Distinguish Hon. Hamisu Gambo (Danlawan Katsina) attends the handing-over as he vomits words of elders that'll help in smooth running of the affairs. In other hand, Dan-Lawan Katsina congratulates Hon. Amoga and charges him to deliver as expected, because, Mal. Dikko Umaru Radda PhD administration will be optimal among others. Allah sa alkhairi. Activist Lawal Isah (Federal), press secretary to Hon. Hamisu Gambo (Danlawan K...